It’s more than education… It’s an encounter with destiny!
El Shaddai Bible College (EBC) is a training center for serious believers who want to be better equipped to fulfill their destiny in God. It is truly a school of the spirit that train individuals to walk in power, healing and deliverance. Our mandate is to train and equip radically committed disciples of Jesus, who have a burning desire to love and serve God and are dedicated to transforming their world.
Please download and complete our registration form to register.
Vision Statement
God has called El Shaddai Bible College to be a large and influential training base for a world changing movement, raising up radically committed disciples and teams, ablaze with revival fire, who will demonstrate the Kingdom of God to the nations (I Corinthians 4:20) accompany with power, signs, and wonder.
Mission Statement
EBC is called to equip and empower radically committed disciples who will impact the nations through the live-saving gospel of Jesus.
Academic Information
At EBC, we offer certificate of completion, certificate of Ministry, Associate Degree in Ministry, Bachelor and Doctoral Degrees.
For more information, please call us at (916) 736-6200 or by email at elshaddai@sbcglobal.net